Why Is My Bottomless Portafilter Spraying?

A white Pesado bottomless portafilter dispensing coffee

If you’re asking why your bottomless portafilter is spraying, then you’re probably not in a great mood. A spraying portafilter not only makes a mess, but means you’re about to get a truly subpar shot. Unfortunately, spraying is a common issue for many espresso enthusiasts that can be caused by improper tamping, grind, and more. Let’s take a look at the issues main causes and what you can do about it. 

What causes bottomless portafilter spraying? 4 main culprits

A Pesado bottomless portafilter in focus with a Pesado milk jug

If your bottomless portafilter is spraying, the source of the issue might not be immediately obvious. Luckily, there are a few main causes that are the most likely to be the source of your issue and if you know how to recognize them, you’ll have your espresso pouring properly again in no time.

1. Channeling – often the main culprit

Channeling is the number one cause of a spraying or spurting bottomless portafilter, but what is it and what causes channeling in espresso? Channeling is when the puck of coffee is not evenly saturated, and instead the water forces itself down a single narrow pathway. This means that more water is focused on a single area, causing it to be over-extracted and ultimately making a poor cup of espresso.

The spurting happens when the rest of the puck slowly starts to saturate, but the water is still fighting to go down the same narrow channel. Some of the most common causes of channeling are poor distribution, uneven tamping, or using the wrong grind for your machine.

2. Uneven tamping

Tamping properly isn’t difficult, but if you don’t take the time to do it properly, you might see your espresso spraying. The goal of tamping is to create a solid, level puck of coffee, but if you’re tamping in a slapdash manner, water will flow through the lower-pressure areas and spray. This also means your coffee will have inconsistent extraction, leading to a more bitter shot and one messy countertop. Remember that tamping your puck too hard is almost impossible, but proper technique is key! 

3. Incorrect coffee grind size

Properly grinding your coffee is one of the most important steps in the brewing process. You probably already know that it can dramatically affect the taste of your cup, but it can also lead to spraying. If you don’t grind your beans properly, it leads to problems similar to channeling.

Beans that are ground too coarsely let water pass through the puck too quickly, leading to uneven extraction and spurting. Beans that are ground too finely can lead to over-extraction, clogging, and pressure buildup that can cause unpredictable spraying. Aiming for a fine (but not powdery) grind is ideal.

4. Your portafilter needs to be cleaned

A dirty portafilter will not only make your coffee taste bitter and terrible, but it can actually clog your machine and lead to the spraying issue. That’s because coffee grounds are full of natural oils and residue that can be left behind even after you’ve dumped the coffee out. These can build up over time, clogging holes in the basket and disrupting the water flow.

Quick rinses can delay your portafilter reaching that point, but they can’t prevent it. Only thorough, proper cleaning can do that bc water usually isn’t enough to get those oils off the machine.

How to prevent portafilter spraying 

A hand reaching out to get a Pesado bottomless portafilter

Now that you know what might be causing your portafilter to spray, how do you stop it and prevent it in the future? We’ve got a few tips that can really help eliminate the issue and all of them boil down to how you prep your espresso.

Distribute your coffee evenly 

Even coffee distribution can really help you refine your brewing process. Done before the tamping process, its a way of making sure there aren’t any clumps in your grounds that could lead to channeling, the number one reason your espresso maker might be spurting.

To distribute grounds properly, grab yourself a clump crusher specifically designed for this exact task. Using something like a toothpick won’t cut it. Then, you can use the Weiss Distribution Technique to slowly and methodically rake the crusher through the grounds, making sure your basket is ready for tamping.

Revisit your tamping process

Once your coffee is properly distributed in the basket, take a closer look at how you’re tamping. First, you should make sure you have the proper tamper for your basket. If it’s not a perfect fit (like if it’s a bit too small), this can negatively affect your tamping. It should also have a solid base and ergonomic handle.

Next, focus on how you’re holding the tamper itself. You should grip it like a doorknob and hold it above the basket with your thumb pointing downward. Your elbow should be directly above the basket, keeping your arm straight. Then, simply apply consistent, firm pressure. You can’t overtamp your puck, but there’s no need for excessive force. You can even try out self-leveling tampers for a little assistance.

Deep clean your bottomless portafilter once a week

A mistake a lot of newbies make is underestimating how often to clean their coffeemakers. After all, it’s just more coffee going in there, right? Wrong. Instead, think of your portafilter, as expert James Hoffmann says, like a frying pan. Every time you use it, you want a nice clean basket, not one with crusted on gunk.

After every espresso making session, start by giving your portafilter a rinse with hot water, then wipe out the basket with a clean, dry cloth. Then, once per week you can soak the portafilter only up to the handle (don’t get the handle wet) in a solution of espresso cleaner and water for an hour or up to overnight. That will really eliminate and loosen any oils or particles stuck in there. A soft sponge or brush can be used before you give it another rise, dry with a clean towel, and it’s ready to go for your next shot.

High-quality tools that help prevent portafilter spraying – Pesado

If you remember these tips and tricks, you can say goodbye to espresso spraying and messy, drippy countertops. Now that you know that spraying is usually caused by improper technique, a dirty portafilter, or a combination, you’re on your way to a better-tasting shot. If you really want to take things to the next level, upgrading your tools to professional quality is the way to go. Pesado makes clump crushers, tampers, standard and bottomless portafilters, and more out of high-quality materials. Explore their collection here.