How to Froth Oat Milk

Oat milk about to be frothed

Learning how to froth oat milk can really take some of the sting out of going dairy-free, especially if you love your daily latte. Dairy-free milks have skyrocketed in popularity over the course of the last few years, with two oat milk brands breaking into the top 10 leading milk alternatives in the US in 2024. Even McDonald’s offers oat milk lattes in some locations! 

But it probably comes as no surprise to learn that frothing oat milk requires a different set of techniques and slightly different expectations than regular milk. This guide will walk you through a few different ways to do it as well as what some of the most common issues might be.

Can you froth oat milk?

A cup of coffee being poured some oat milk

Short answer: absolutely. After all, you wouldn’t be able to get an oat milk latte at almost any corner coffee shop if you couldn’t. However, much of what makes it easy to froth regular milk and what gives it that silky texture isn’t present in oat milk. Regular milk has whey and casein, two proteins that help it froth and once heated to 140 degrees, stabilize. Milk also has plenty of fat, which makes the foam creamier.

Oat milk doesn’t have any of that, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad option to use. Look for an oat milk labeled “barista blend” because that means it will contain more plant-based fats via options like rapeseed oil or sunflower oil. That will help it froth better and get you that sought-after texture. Brands like Oatly, Califia Farms, and Minor Figures all sell a barista blend.

Can you froth cold oat milk?

Yes, just like regular milk, you can froth oat milk cold. Also just like regular milk, if you choose to froth cold oat milk, the air bubbles you create will have a different texture, level of stability, and mouthfeel than if you’d heated it. That’s because heat is what’s needed to stabilize the fats and proteins in your milk, allowing the bubbles you create to stay. When you froth cold oat milk, that stabilization is missing making the air bubbles lighter and more fragile. That’s what makes the foam feel loose and airy instead of rich and creamy the way microfoam tastes.

If you still prefer to froth your milk cold, then there’s a few good ways to go about it.

  • Handheld frother: quick and effective

  • Blender: Creates a light, whipped texture

  • Cold foam attachment on espresso machines: the best option for creamy cold froth

Pro Tip: For cold lattes, use barista-style oat milk and froth in short bursts to avoid overheating the foam.

How to froth oat milk without a frother

Oat milk pictured with some oats on a wooden spoon

While it’s best to have a frother of some kind if you plan to make lattes regularly or want a more consistent foam, they’re not essential if you simply want to try out the technique for yourself. You likely won’t get the high-quality microfoam you find at cafes, but you can still make a delicious drink, maybe even with items you have on hand.

How to froth oat milk with a french press

If you have a french press on hand, you can use the same way you would a manual milk frother. Here’s how:

  • Thoroughly clean your french press to remove any lingering oils or grime.

  • Pour you milk into the carafe no more than ⅓ of the way full.

  • Put the lid and plunger on top and begin pumping the plunger.

  • Continue plunging for 30–45 seconds until the milk has doubled in volume.

How to froth oat milk in a blender 

To froth oat milk with a blender, follow these steps:

  • If you want to use it in a warm drink, heat your milk separately until warm but not boiling either in the microwave or on the stove.

  • Use about ½ cup (120ml) of milk—too little or too much milk will make it more difficult.

  • Start at a low speed and blend for 10–20 seconds, then check the foam’s consistency. If there’s no foam, keep blending on low. 

  • When you see foam start to form, gradually increase the blender’s speed over the course of 20–30 seconds. If there’s still very little foam, it’s okay to keep blending. Oat milk can take longer to foam than regular milk.

  • Once the foam is thick, you’re all done. Just remember it will still be thinner than traditional milk foam.

  • Pour slowly into your coffee for layered texture.

If you use cold oat milk to start, then we recommend this method as the best one to use for cold brew and iced drinks.

How to froth oat milk with a frother

While frothing without a proper milk frother is totally possible, you’ll have much better results using the proper tools. Especially since frothing nondairy milks like oat milk can take longer to form microfoam than regular milk, these tools can really come in handy saving you time and making your end result more consistent and delicious. We’ll take a look at your best options: handheld milk frothers and steam wands.

How to froth oat milk with a handheld frother

A handheld frother is going to be much easier for the average consumer to master than using a steam wand, but it still produces a quality result. These are small, cheap, electric mixers outfitted with a small whisk attachment. They’re often battery-powered, and their low cost makes them perfect for beginners who haven’t perfected their technique yet. Unlike steamers, handheld frothers can froth hot or cold milk, which, in some ways, makes them a little more versatile.

How to use a handheld frother

  • If you want hot oat milk foam, heat it gently prior to frothing.

  • Insert the whisk of your frother into your milk at an angle that’s slightly off-center and and turn it on. This position will help you get better air incorporation.

  • Submerge the frother and move it up and down without ever pulling it fully out of the liquid (if you do, you’ll make a mess) for about 30–45 seconds.

  • Move the frother toward the bottom of your vessel and hold it at an angle to make the milk spin without adding more bubbles. A whirlpool should form.

  • Maintain the whirlpool for about 1 minute, and then pour and enjoy!  

How to froth oat milk with a steam wand 

The steam wand is what professionals and expert-level baristas use every day. Consider it the gold standard for milk frothing. It’s a small metal tube that injects the milk with high-pressure steam, which heats and aerates it simultaneously. 

How to use a steam wand

  • Pour the oat milk into a metal milk jug with a spout. The jug will make pouring your milk easier and it ensures it’s heat safe.

  • Position the steam wand in the jug's spout with its tip just in the milk. There’s usually a line at the tip of the steam wand — don’t submerge beyond this.

  • Turn the steam wand on and introduce air for just 3–5 seconds.

  • Submerge the wand slightly and swirl to create microfoam.

  • Stop steaming when the milk reaches 130-150°F (55-65°C).

  • Wipe the steam wand clean, and you’re done!

Why isn’t my oat milk frothing?

There are a few reasons your oat milk might not be frothing properly. Let’s run through a few of the most common solutions.

  1. Try a different brand. Not all oat milks froth the same and some use different sources of fat that might produce a foam you like more. Experiment with what’s on the market and don’t forget to try the barista blends!

  2. Lower the temperature slightly. If you’ve been heating your oat milk too hot, it can make it harder for the foam to form. Try to keep it under 170 degrees.

  3. Froth your milk for longer. Because oat milk has less fat than whole milk, it can simply take longer for the foam to form. Just keep going until you see the result you want.

Get the perfect pour with Pesado!

Now you’re ready to experiment so grab a professional-quality milk jug from Pesado and start practicing! You can also pick up any of the accessories missing from your espresso setup, from professional-style tampers to the portafilter itself. Being dairy-free doesn’t mean you can’t be the king or queen of latte art. Explore everything Pesado has to offer.